- Dividing Our Planet Into Two Perfect Halves -
We will start with the structuring of our DNA.
(Trinity Father) Praternal Red + (Trinity Mother) Maternal Green = (Trinity Son) Progenal Yellow.
Trinity Father = 288 Hz
Trinity Mother = 432 Hz
Trinity Son = 384 Hz
The Holy Bible = The Holy Trinity = The Holy Sun (Son).
The Bible has 31104 Verses.
3 x 1104 = 3312; The Holy Son (Sun) = 93312000 Miles (In Diameter).
9000° = Noah's Ark (The Ark Of The Sun). 3375° + 5625° = 9000°.
(Noah's Ark)
(Red) 288 Hz + (Green) 432 Hz + (Yellow) 384 Hz = 1104 Hz (31104 Hz).
31104 Hz / 9 Hz = 3456 Hz.
3456 Hz / 9 Hz = 384 Hz.
384 Hz = 384°.
384° = 360° Circle + 24° Cone.
360° Circle + 24° Cone = The Eye.
The Eye = 384 Hz = The Color Yellow = The Light.
The Light = The Sun = The Holy Son.
Man = 144 (12 x 12 Double Helix). "Man is the measure of all things." - Protagoras
Man (144) + Light (384) = DNA Repair Frequency (528).
DNA Repair Frequency (528) x DNA Trinity (288 Hz + 432 Hz + 384 Hz = 1104 Hz) = 582912.
5 x 8 x 2 x 9 x 1 x 2 = 4 Circles = The Great Atom = 1440° (1440° = 360 x 4).
4 Circles = The Great Atom = 1440° (1440° = 360 x 4).
582 Hz & 912 Hz make up precisely 1 / 2 of our planet.
582912 = 7129 8 (5+8+2+9+1+2 = 27; 7+1+2+9+8 = 27).
7 + 129 = 136° West Meridian
8 = 44° East Meridian
136° West Meridian + 44° East Meridian = The Great Circle.
"7129" is the key to Coral Castle.
15° + 105° + 195° = 90° Angles.
90 + 90 + 90 + 90 = 360°.
360 + 360 + 360 + 360 = 1440°.
The Bible = The Circle + The Square + The Triangle = The Philosopher's Stone.
The 31104 Verses of the Holy Bible = 186624 / 6.
Speed Of Light: 186624.
The Cube Has 6 Faces.
A Circle = 360°
582 - 360 = 222
912 - 360 = 552
222 552 = 15552 (The Great Cube).
186624 / 12 (12 x 12 Double Helix) = 15552 (The Great Cube).
"If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6 & 9, then you would have the key to the Universe." - Nikola Tesla
369 = 1269 = 12249 = 1212129.
12 x 12 x 12 x 9 = 15552 (The Great Cube).
582 + 912 = 1494.
1494 - 1440 (The Great Atom) = 54°.
186624 / 54 = 3456.
3 x 4 x 5 x 6 = 360° (Perfect Circle).
3456 / 9 = 384 Hz = The Color Yellow = The Light.
384° = 360° Circle + 24° Cone = The All-Seeing Eye.
Sincerely, Thoth.
I saw Coral Castle when I was a little kid in the 1980's, it was a long hot drive to see it, but I had to agree, it was worth seeing and experiencing. If we can figure out gravity, we got it licked yo.
So.. it would seem that we as a species, have been neglecting our wavelength health? Would this explain why there are stories of people 3 to 4 times the size of modern humans? And that they lived extraordinarily long lives?
MathematicalMessiah (Updated )
That is the gist of it, yes. Another example would be the Universe operating on Gamma wavelengths and Man operating on Radio wavelengths, which are two precisely opposite sides of the frequency spectrum (design), in the same manner as Man breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon-dioxide, whereas plants breathe in carbon-dioxide and breath out oxygen.
If I crack this code within the Bible Code, everything we thought to be impossible, will soon be possible.
I will need help, however. Preferably someone that has frequency-based tools so we can work together in order to see how the specific numerical combinations can interlock with every aspect of the Holy Grail, and then use that energy to restore life to this world with its own intelligence.